Spring 2010 ESSC Brown Bag Series

Speaker/Discussion Leader Topic
January 27
529 Walker
Christa Kelleher
Civil Engineering, Penn State

Characterization of stream temperatures across Pennsylvania

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February 3
529 Walker
Jacob Haqq-Misra
Meteorology, Penn State
Eddy-driven Responses of the Hadley Cell and Tropopause
February 17
529 Walker
Dr. Ryan Sriver
Meteorology, Penn State
Simulating tropical cyclone effects in ocean models: Implications for ENSO dynamics
March 3
529 Walker
Clayton Magill
Geosciences, Penn State

Mechanisms of Terrestrial Climate Variability in Tropical Africa During the Early Pleistocene

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March 17
529 Walker
Seth Baum
Geography and Rock Ethics Institute, Penn State
Climate economics since the Stern Review
March 24
529 Walker
Dr. Kerry Emanuel

Climate and Tropical Cyclones: A Review and Some New Findings

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March 31
529 Walker
Dr. Wei Li
Meteorology, Penn State
A climatology of tropical anvil and its relationship to the large-scale circulation
April 14
529 Walker
Liang Ning
Meteorology, Penn State
Precipitation downscaling over Pennsylvania
April 28
529 Walker

Alan Betts
Atmospheric Research

Understanding Climate Change - what are scientists’ responsibilities to the public?
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