Hydrologic Model System (HMS)

Hydrologic Model System (HMS), a physically-based distributed-parameter model system, was developed to simulate the hydrologic response of large river basins (Yu and Schwartz, 1998; Yu et al., 1998). It comprises pre-processcing, post-preocesscing, and four modules, which are Soil Hydrologic Model (SHM), Terrestrial Hydrologic Model (THM), Ground-water Hydrologic Model (GHM), and Channel Ground-water Interaction (CGI). HMS is designed to model the hydrologic processces, such as vertical soil moisture flow, evapotranspiration (ET), infiltration, overland flow, channel flow, and ground-water flow within a river basin.

Soil Hydrologic Model (SHM)

Terrestrial Hydrologic Model (THM)

Ground-water Hydrologic Model (GHM)

Channel Ground-water Interaction (CGI)

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